Wednesday 4 January 2012


Migraine is a common type of headache that may occur with nausea, vomiting or sensitivity to light  and throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head.


  • Take a Good Sleep
  • Excercise Regularly
  • Avoid Prolonged Fasting
  • Avoid Flashing & Bright Light
  • Eyes on What You Eat
  • Don't Use Too Much Caffiene
  • Avoid Physical & Mental Stress
  • Avoid Alcohal & Smoking
  • Make Use Of Spices As-well-As RIBOFLAVIN

Medication:- (Allopathic) 
  • Beta Blocker i.e.Propanolol,Atenolol,Metoprolol,Tomolol,Nadolol
  • Anticonvulsant i.e. Valporic Acid,Gabapentine,Topiramate,Phenobarbital
  • Calcium Channel Blocker i.e. Diltiazem,Verapamil
  • Tricyclic Antidepressant i.e.   Amitriptyline,Nortriptyline,Imipramine 
  • Antiseretonin Agents i.e.Methysergide,Methylergonovine (Not Used Widley)
Relieve Other Symptom like Nausea with Prochlorperazine
                                          Pain with Narcotics (Meperidine),NSAID's,&Sedatives

AYURVEDA MEDICINE:- Migraine is known as Ardhavbhedak In Ayurveda. Treatment contains of following Procedures i)   Swedan (Local Fomentation) 
                                                                       ii)  Nasya (Medicated Nasal Drops) 
                                                                    iii) Basti (Medicated Enema) 
                                                                 iv) Shirobasti (Scalp Treatment With Medicated Milk or Oil) 
                                                              v)  Dahan (Local Heat Branding )
                                                           vi) Shaman (Oral Treatment)

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