Monday 16 January 2012


Dear friend's
                      Minister of Human Resources Mr. Kapil Sibbal introduces NCHER to improve the quality of higher, particularly technical education in all the fields. A draft has been approved and task force has been constituted.
As the Centre's proposal for the constitution of a National Commission for Higher Education and Research seems to be a step towards centralisation of powers and control over academic initiatives. As this issue is being discussed nationally on different aspects our main concern is Ayurvedic Education.
As per Mr. Sibbal’s statement the entire higher education field including Medical Education must come under one governing body.
Mr. Gulab Nabi Azad Ji’s views are different. He expressed his “NO” in regard to medical education, but health ministry proposed a single council for all the medical education (medical council, dental council, nurses council etc.) He categorically said that he is not in favour of bringing AYUSH under this council -means we must have a separate council.

Respected friends feel the importance of this issue and write your views in detail because our views can show the road for future. Make the following points very -very clear for the sake of our system.

1. Should AYUSH be included under NCHER- along with all the technical education?
2. Should AYUSH be included in the same council which contains all the field of medical education?
3. Should there be a unified AYUSH council for all the components?
4. Should the existing pattern –one separate council for each component of AYUSH be continuing?
5. Lastly how we can covey our views effectively to the relevant person or persons responsible for making the final draft.


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